
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Latest Conditions

A friend of mine just came back from fishing off richards bay. They went looking for dorado at the ships, some other places out deep 50m region.
The Visibility is very clean at Groenkop and out deep apparently. There was a lot of activity in the groenkop area and this is where they caught a dorado on line.
They had lots of activity on the fish finder and bait balls etc.
Unfortunately if you didnt go out today, you missed the window, this weekend is looking very windy.

Other reports I got. Kevin, Jonie and Koos went out last thursday, They got some really nice fish in a small lucky patch of clean water they found. They got a 18kg Couta and a couple of snoek.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aliwal and Kasteel

Sorry for the lack of updates.

Any spare chance Ive had lately has been used to go diving. I am finishing up a contract at the end of the month and cannot wait to get more spare time to dive!

Last weekend I went to the One Fish DVD Premier, which was held at the Catalina Theater. I really enjoyed the movie, there is some great footage from around the world, with some really insane fish getting shot. Definitely a worthwhile dvd to have in your collection

The next day I dived at Aliwal, conditions were perfect, unfortunately the game fish weren't there. We did get some nice bottoms, I shot another Tiger Rockcod and Neil got 2 decent size Bank Steenbras. Before a frisky Zambezi came in and started bugging us. It was tough diving as we were diving really deep, I also realised I have to get in the pool and do some exercise, diving on the weekends isn't enough to keep the body in shape.

Yesterday Colin and myself tried diving off Kasteel area, The water was crystal clear I imagine the vis must have been way over 20m. Unfortunately there was no fish. After that we tried a bit closer inshore, It was clean on the top, but filthy on the bottom.

I want to open the blog up to other users, so whenever you have been out for a dive, you can mention where you dived and what fish you got, so if you want to add a quick note or pic of your latest catch, just let me know and Ill add you as an author, its very easy to use.

Otherwise its time we have a get together/braai sometime soon, before we all go on leave. Anyone willing to let us have a braai at their house? If so, just let me know what date and time? I still have a whole bunch of prizes from the last comp left over, so we should perhaps organise another competition.
What do you guys think about 4th Dec for the Comp?

Everyone who entered before will still be valid for the comp. Off the top of my head there is still, a R1000 cash prize, R500 Voucher at Freedivers, Gun Bag, Dive Bag, Fish Bag worth of prizes still available.

Cheers for now